What happens to Bethel members who get sick?
When I was at Bethel they used to make their own ink and their own soap. I always wondered what it was made out of.
so i am sure if you are at bethel and have the flu you just get time or what ever to recover, but what about serious sickness.
say you get cancer or some possible terminal illness?
what happens?.
What happens to Bethel members who get sick?
When I was at Bethel they used to make their own ink and their own soap. I always wondered what it was made out of.
brilliant video by a friend of ours in exposing watchtower & the new temple farms/chelmsford branch.
https://youtu.be/dscsobamwsc .
Sometimes depending upon the interest rate and fees that a money lender is charging, it's smarter to get a loan rather than to use your own money if your own money is getting a good return on what it's currently invested in.
I don't see a problem with that.
In the video it sounds as if she's saying that the lender can call in the loan at any time and demand repayment and repossess the properties if Watchtower can't pay up. I doubt that is the case. It's not as if J.P Morgan is some kind of Loan Shark. By law a fixed repayment date and a repayment schedule over a set period of time would have been established in advance and the fees and interest to be paid and was known upfront.
It's long been known that for legal reasons, the Watchtower is divided up into different entities that handle certain aspects of the organization such as real estate development and these entities must be classified as such rather than classified under something that sounds more religious or biblical to the average layman.
No new scandal here as far as I can see and I don't quite understand why these folks who are digging into Watchtower behind the scenes, seem utterly delighted when they find something questionable, rather than saddened, disappointed or concerned for their JW friends and family. They seem determined and delighted to use even the most feeble bit of information as evidence of wrongdoing.
To me, the original question still remains. Why does it take so much money to get the message of the Bible out there when everyone is a volunteer?
If 8 million JW's donated a mere 1 dollar per month they'd have 96 million dollars a year coming in. If each of those JW's spent a mere 1 hour a month preaching, there would be 96 million hours a year spent spreading the word.
We know that most JW's donate much more than 1 dollar a month and spend more than 1 hour a month in preaching. Why isn't that enough money to get the word out....why has it taken so long....where is the money going?
my wife and i have always shared naked photos respectfully over the years.
being the only thing to fill that void in our relationship due to being apart.
recently my wife has become jehovah, and we’re not sure if my wife is allowed to respectfully share herself with me while i am away.
Recently my wife has become Jehovah, and we’re not sure if my wife is allowed to respectfully share herself with me while I am away.
If she gets caught, she could wind up on the cover of Disfellowshipped ! magazine.
ok, you'll have to bear with me with this one.. i want to talk about toasters.
a) a toaster you can buy today, any brand.
b) a toaster invented in 1948. for a bonus, how long do you think a toaster purchased today will keep working?
Talk about ingenious....when I was growing up we used to have an old toaster like that.
When we were out of breakfast cereal and if we were hungry enough, why us kids would open the little door on the bottom of the toaster and shake the crumbs into a bowl and pour a little milk on them.
We called it "Toaster Shakins ".
hi , this is my first post .. i left jws 30 years ago as 18 year old unbaptised youth and after the initial fallout from leaving pretty much put the whole thing in a box and buried it .. however , i am now starting to realise how much the doomsday messages and the ‘them and us’ doctrines that’s fed to you from birth has remained in my core beliefs.. how have others managed to reprogram themselves ?.
thanks for reading , have a good day .
We are wired to survive and keep ourselves alive therefore we pay more attention to information that causes us to be fearful. Information that cannot be backed up by hard and tangible evidence can cause fear in us because we are afraid of the unknown and willing to fear the worst...just in case.
People used to believe that the earth was flat and if you sailed off the edge of it, there were monsters and dragons waiting to kill you. They could’ve just as easily assumed there were fluffy clouds and magical fairies there to rescue you but it was easier for them to believe in something scary.
Accurate information about the earth was the key to ridding themselves of these fears. Likewise disapproving the doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses that established these fears in you in the first place, is the key to ridding yourself of the fears they systematically placed in you.
The trouble is, the doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses also teach you not to dare to look beyond what they have instilled in you.
well, these stories are always fun, right?
let me share mine.. my husband and have been pimo for 2 years.
inactive for one year.
My husband and I don't want to be recognized as Jehovah's Witnesses anymore.insist
I understand this but really it’s an ego thing and it’s about you getting to have the last word and all the drama that follows. In reality no one really gives a rip. Non JWs don’t even know who JWs are and the JWs you know, don’t really care until you insist on getting up in their face about it.
Put your ego aside and get on with your life. Don’t burn any bridges... they’ve made it clear, you don’t have to.
satan is the number one enemy of gods chosen ones a.k.a.
the jw's.. as far as they are concerned, this whole world belongs to the devil and is designed by him to make life hard for true christians.
with that in mind, why has satan made it easier than ever before to preach the good news?
Job is a humbling book showing how disaster draws strong believers closer to God
So you literally believe that God allowed Satan to kill all 10 of his children by collapsing his house on them and that his solution to replace them with 10 more, was a good one?
What about poor Mrs.Job?
She had already given birth10 children and tragically lost them in the game God was playing with Satan. Then, after all she'd been through, was supposed recover from that trauma and be pregnant 10 more times.
Would this solution bring anyone closer to God?
Come-on...really ???
satan is the number one enemy of gods chosen ones a.k.a.
the jw's.. as far as they are concerned, this whole world belongs to the devil and is designed by him to make life hard for true christians.
with that in mind, why has satan made it easier than ever before to preach the good news?
Let's not forget how most nations of the world (awful worldly people being directed by Satan) will uphold freedom of religion and speech and will come to the legal defense of anyone who's rights are infringed upon.
within the very documentary is a reason i think that jw's for the most part will not wake up even if they watch this program.
the one lady actually saw as her family sat behind the abuser in court supporting him despite the established fact that he had abused their very own child.. this shows how deep the indoctrination is.
i am not saying that some won't wake up, but the majority will carry on, not even because they think these things are lies but because they will look past that at all costs to side with jehovah.
They might not get up and leave all at once but little by little as these and other kinds of reports are broadcast, they'll begin to see the little things taking place around them as part of a whole picture rather than as isolated incidents that are only happening in their own congregation.
Pete Zahut is this person based in the Tampa bay area? If so, I went to the same person and had to sign the same document. She did help me at the time but looking back I feel she is breaking the law by doing that. Take care. Still Totally ADD
No this was in the Pacific Northwest. I'm sure her document wouldn't hold up in a court of law as it attempts to supersede the HIPPA laws and gets people in a vulnerable state to sign away their legal rights. I only went to see her 2 times because she seemed as if she was more in need of counseling than I was.
All I needed to do was to stop attending 3 funeral services per week AKA "the Meetings". Within a week or so, my anxiety was gone.